A Glimpse of His Glory…
That simple phrase was the theme of twenty-one-year-old Hudson Taylor’s letter to his sister, Amelia, from Shanghai. Upon arriving in China just 233 days earlier, at 4:00 on a bitterly cold October morning, Hudson Taylor poured out his heart’s desire to see the attributes of his Savior, Jesus Christ, proclaimed among the 300 million people of China: “Shall we deny this knowledge to those who do not know Christ? Shall we refuse to proclaim this glorious truth in the sight of the people? God forbid!”

By James Hudson “Jamie” Taylor IV, who has dedicated his life to missionary work in the Chinese world. Currently, he serves as the President of China Evangelical Seminary. With over 40 years in ministry, he has played a pivotal role in the global church of his generation. Jamie is the great-great-grandson of Hudson Taylor.

Hudson Taylor went on to spend the next 51 years of his life spreading the gospel across China and mobilizing thousands to dedicate their lives (to China and elsewhere) toward making Jesus’ last command their first concern, “Go and make disciples of all nations.” It is toward re-capturing and re-igniting this Kingdom vision that the Hudson Taylor film emerged.
In the re-telling of Hudson Taylor’s life story, it is our prayer that the same Spirit that so moved Hudson Taylor would fall doubly upon His church of the 21st century. Just as Hudson Taylor heard God’s call, “Go for Me to China,” at the age of 17, even more young followers of Jesus would dedicate their lives to “live to make a difference” for His Kingdom. Hudson Taylor closed his letter to Amelia with these words, “May the time soon come when this rebel heart shall be baptized with holy fire, and this mouth shall be able intelligibly to utter the overflowing feelings of a heart wholly devoted to the service of Him who hath loved us.”
May I invite you to join in continued prayers for sufficient finances, smooth production, and strategic distribution of this exciting story of a young 21-year-old who captured a glimpse of His Glory to declare His Glory!
Editor’s Note: Our desire for this project is that more may catch a glimpse of God’s glory and be inspired to “go” for God to make a difference in our world today. We invite you to join us. Together, let’s share the timeless tale of how God used a young man’s obedience to reveal His glory to millions worldwide. Here’s how…
James Hudson Taylor IV speaks about the importance of this project: