By Dr. Jennie Fung, Half Crown Media Board Chair
God is good and greatly to be praised!
Thanks for journeying and persevering with us in this movie project that can potentially change the lives of millions for His kingdom. The change has already begun in our team, growing our faith and dependence on God as we see His rich provision beyond our humble efforts.
Since May, we received pledges of an incredible USD $1.61 million! That brings us to over 50% of the funds needed to begin production. We continue to make meaningful connections with individuals and organizations worldwide who are excited about the movie project and want to be part of what brings this vision to life.
In our board meeting in April, we interacted with our two consultant producers, Aaron Burns and Tim O’Hair. Both are experienced Christian film professionals. They pledged their commitment to help us make the most impactful movie possible with the resources that God provides. While we continue to pray and work towards raising the full $7 million production budget by the end of 2024, we were assured that we can adjust our scope or approach to make an impactful movie even with $5 or 6 million.
Chariot of Fire was made with $6 million, with a little-known cast and crew. It was rejected by most studios even when it was made. Yet it received four Oscar Awards, including the Best Picture and Best Original Screenplay. It impacted many to seek the God that Eric Liddell honored and trusted. Both its narrative and journey to production and release demonstrated that faith in the living God and unwavering commitment over adversity can lead to powerful, inspiring outcomes.
Similar to Chariots of Fire, this movie on Hudson Taylor recounts God’s work in ordinary men committed to His purpose and He can bring about an impact beyond our imagination.
For full impact, we want to build a global network to help the audience respond to God, wherever they may be on their faith journey. Non-believers would find the God of life. Believers would seek to grow in discipleship and serve God in ministry and work, in church or missions. What do we stand to lose or gain if we let this opportunity pass?
We seek your partnership to bring the movie to completion and beyond. Like Chariots of Fire, our movie on Hudson Taylor underscores the determination of underdogs and their ability to defy the odds. Will you join us in overcoming these odds to transform lives?
Here are some of the things that you can do:
- Make the movie project a mobilization focus personally or for your team.
- Give or pledge your support to the Hudson Taylor Movie Project.
- Receive our monthly newsletter and pray with us.
- Share this project with your friends and contacts. Follow, like, comment and share our social media channels: LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.
- Join our team: we need reinforcement in our IT, finance, mobilization and other areas.
- Share stories of God’s work in your life and how Hudson Taylor’s life impacted you personally.
May the Lord be pleased to use ordinary people like us to accomplish His extraordinary purpose.
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