This month, we’d like to share with you a more detailed version of our vision for the HUDSON TAYLOR movie project, and its long-term goals.
For the last few weeks, the Half Crown Media team have been traveling across North America, to share the HUDSON TAYLOR movie project’s vision and plans with communities in the United States and Canada. One of our stops was a joint mission convention in Los Angeles, where Rev. James Hudson Taylor IV, Dr. Patrick Fung, and Dr. Jennie Fung each spoke about a different aspect of the project. A recording of the entire event can be found here.
Describing the vision for the HUDSON TAYLOR movie project, Dr. Jennie explained that the movie itself is only a small part of the project, and not the ultimate goal. The entire project is founded on a core belief: that stories, in every shape and form, are powerful and can transform lives. Every Christian has stories they can share about their relationship with God, and each are unique and powerful. Dr. Jennie also reminded us that sharing these stories is a Biblical command:
One generation shall commend your works to another and shall declare your mighty acts.
~Psalm 145:4
The HUDSON TAYLOR movie project hopes to use Taylor’s powerful story—the story of an ordinary life surrendered to God for His work—to inspire people all over, young and old, new or mature in their faith. But it does not stop there. To truly inspire the viewers of this movie, we need a global network of believers to respond; to share their own stories, and provide materials, resources, and courses for people seeking God. Whether they are seeking to know God, to train themselves for God, or to serve God, we need a diverse network of churches, mission agencies, training institutions, and other Christian organizations to serve and support these seekers; sharing their stories and commending God’s mighty acts. We hope to see such a network expand and grow to every corner of the globe, so that no matter where a seeker may be, they can find someone speaking their own language and from their own context, who can journey with them and explore what God is doing in their lives.
Today, who are the people around you that God may be calling you to share your stories with? How can you do so, and how can you begin forming those connections that can ultimately join together into a global network proclaiming God’s mighty acts?