Pray with Half Crown Media – July 2022

We invite you to pray with the Half Crown Media team on the following items; 

  • Praise God that we’ve reached the funding 10% milestone for the production of the HUDSON TAYLOR movie! Once we hit 100%, production of the film begins!  Let’s continue to pray for God’s timely provision of resources to bring the movie to production, including the USD 7 million production cost.

  • Pray for the following up of the previously held vision sharing meetings that participants will embrace the vision and be part of the movement of making disciples through storytelling.

  • Pray for the upcoming mission conferences held in LA, Vancouver and Toronto in August 2022.  Pray that more people would know, pray and participate in the Hudson Taylor movie project, and the opportunity to share the vision and development of the project in churches, conferences, and strategic personal contacts.

  • We are very grateful for connecting us to media networks, for joining hands with various churches and mission organizations to host mission conferences in August, for inviting us to share at your church events, and for sharing possible resources for making the movie.

  • Pray for more support and resources for administration, communication, and promotion.
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