Assisting in childbirth is a joyful experience, and similarly, being involved in the making of the Hudson Taylor movie is deeply fulfilling.
As an obstetrician, I am privileged to share the joy of welcoming a newborn child with their families. Holding the precious child in my hands, I often whisper a prayer… may God allow this one life to bring blessings to many, beyond what we could see or imagine!
Working on the Hudson Taylor movie project brings me the same sense of anticipation, uncertainties, and longing. When will the long gestation come to fruition? I long to see the movie made and many lives around the world be blessed.
An obstetrician seeks to provide the best environment for the baby to grow and develop in the mother’s womb. I see myself in a similar role for the movie project. Despite my best efforts, there are many factors beyond my control. I am grateful that nothing is beyond God’s control. He is the one who has provided so richly over the past 12 years. I am certain that He will accomplish what He has started.
We continue to pray for the production funds, currently budgeted at USD $7 million, to be received by the end of this year. God has amazed us through faithful donors with $3.6 million already. We trust Him to provide what is needed to produce an impactful movie that will draw viewers closer to Him wherever they may be in their faith journey. We trust Him to accomplish His extraordinary purposes through ordinary people like you and me. Like the two dimes the widow put into the offering box in the temple, Jesus accepts whatever we bring to Him and multiplies it for His glory.
As we come to the end of 2024, may we look back with thanksgiving and enter 2025 with joyful anticipation that God would bring the movie into production and use it to impact many lives.
To Him be the glory!
Editor’s note: If you’d like to be involved in helping birth the Hudson Taylor movie, let us know. We’ll get in touch with you. And if you’d like to give toward the project, here’s how.
Photo by Liudmila Fadzeyeva via iStock Photo. Used with permission.