HUDSON Taylor Movie Production Fund

God has provided the funds needed to produce the Hudson Taylor movie! Three supporters agreed to underwrite the final amount needed to reach the total.




SOBEM 恩雨同路人 Radio Program: Interview with Soo Loh

Half Crown Media CEO Soo Loh is interviewed by Showers of Blessing Evangelistic Ministry (SOBEM) on her journey of faith, struggles, and vocations including the Hudson Taylor movie project. The interview will be broadcasted in Cantonese on the radio program 恩雨同路人 on AM1470 radio channel in Vancouver on Saturday, September 3

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Journeying From Where People Are…

This month, we’d like to share with you a more detailed version of our vision for the HUDSON TAYLOR movie project, and its long-term goals.   For the last few weeks, the Half Crown Media team have been traveling across North America, to share the HUDSON TAYLOR movie project’s vision

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