Since the start of this movie project, we have been on a journey of faith that reminds us of Hudson Taylor’s own words —“There are three stages to every great work of God; first it is impossible, then it is difficult, then it is done.”
The Impossible — OMF International established the non-profit organization Half Crown Media (HCM) in 2012 to develop, produce and distribute a movie on the life of Hudson Taylor, a 19th century missionary to China and founder of China Inland Mission/OMF. The movie hopes to see a new generation inspired by how God can work in ordinary people yielded to Him to accomplish extraordinary things.
The Difficult — In 2015, a large, surprise donation designated towards the writing of the movie screenplay was received. In October 2020, we confirmed the screenplay and opened the project for resource gathering. Despite the delays caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, we have been encouraged. With the help of Christian professionals including movie producer Aaron Burns, Biola University professor with movie financing expertise Tim O’Hair and others, God enabled HCM to persevere in our times of doubt. In recent months, we see that the project is gaining momentum with substantial increase in inquiries and interest worldwide.
Still Difficult — Before movie production can commence, the cost of USD$7 million needs to be raised— a small budget in movie production but not insignificant for us. In the last two years, we are grateful that so many of you have contributed, giving us the current total of USD$1.3 million. Initially we hoped to raise the USD$7 M and proceed into production by June 2023. However, currently we are still facing a substantial shortfall.
When the HCM Board met in March, we paused and prayed. God reminded us of how people questioned Hudson Taylor when he first started China Inland Mission in 1865. “What would you do if the funds do not come in for the work?” To which, Taylor said, “We can afford to wait until He does. I am sure God’s work done in God’s way will not lack God’s supply.”
We feel that we are to follow Hudson Taylor’s example to wait prayerfully on God’s timing for God’s supply. The HCM board, together with the OMF leadership decided on a new target date of 31st December 2024 for reaching the production budget.
We recognize that this news might come as a surprise or perhaps a disappointment to you who have prayed and given to the project. You might also have questions— which we hope to address below.
We value your partnership in the movie project and want you to know that we decided to wait for more funds to come in only after careful deliberation. Please, would you wait with us? May God grant us faith, hope and perseverance till we rejoice together when the work is Done!
What happens to the USD $1.3 million already received for movie production?
This money has been set aside and will not be utilized until HCM moves the project into production. OMF will continue to receive donations for the movie production budget on behalf of HCM. If you have donated through OMF US, the team will be in touch with you shortly.
How will HCM’s current operations be financed with the delay in movie production past June 2023?
HCM’s operations have been and will continue to be sustained by funds raised previously for the Development stage of the project— until we move to production. If you feel led to give specifically to the operation funds, you can specify it in your gift.
What about producing a short film instead of a feature length movie on Hudson Taylor’s life? Wouldn’t that cost less?
We do not want to make the decision to produce a short film just because it seems like an easier goal to achieve. We feel God is calling us to share the story of Hudson Taylor with future generations through a feature length movie. That said, we are certainly not closed to alternative approaches, if God shows that to us in the days ahead. Please pray for the HCM team to keep listening to God in this venture.
How can I help HCM move closer to the movie production budget target?
Thank you for your heart for the project. Here’s a few ways you can get involved.
I have other questions about the money I have given towards the movie production.
Please reach out to us at