






上月的通訊中,我們回顧了戴繼宗牧師(Rev. James Hudson Taylor IV)關於“看見並回應神的榮耀”的靈修分享,以及馮浩鎏醫生(Dr. Patrick Fung)發出的“攜手將服事精神傳遞給下一代”的呼籲。本月我們要來瞭解另外兩位講員的分享內容。他們分別是馮鄭珍妮醫生(Dr. Jennie Fung)和一位備受尊敬的本土教會領袖。

Dr. Jennie Fung discussed the vision for the project, and its development thus far. She explained that God led OMF International to begin working on the HUDSON TAYLOR movie project to share the story of how God used Taylor’s life, the life of an ordinary man, to bless many. She also shared how challenging it had been to adapt this story onto the big screen, with countless scripts worked on but none being able to tell Taylor’s story satisfactorily. But God did not abandon the project–in 2020, He finally delivered a script that could meet the project’s needs, and the provision did not stop there. God also brought Aaron Burns, an experienced and capable producer to join the project, who has already helped to focus the story and development process. Dr. Fung also shared a timeline for the project: trusting that God will deliver the necessary funds by mid-2023, then the movie is aimed to release in 2025. However, this will not be the end-point of the HUDSON TAYLOR movie project, as we hope to form a network of churches that can link with and provide community and discipleship to viewers of the movie, young or old, experienced believers or newcomers to Christ. 


最後,我們聽取了一位知名本土教會領袖的發言,主題是《戴德生傳》影片專案所承載的神的工作的價值和重要性。這位講員表示,他們在過去三十年的本土教會服事中觀察到,戴德生的相關傳記作品對本土教會的發展起到了關鍵性作用。然而感動了許多人來到教會、歸信基督的並非書籍本身,而是戴氏將其平凡的生命交在主的手中、為主所用的故事。書籍不過是那個時代最有效的傳播載體罷了。但在當下這個文化與習慣都與彼時不同的新時代中,需要有新的工具來承載戴氏的故事。以電影的形式來敘述這個故事,就可以有效利用線上及線下多種發行管道來延續戴氏的故事在過去三十年間所產生的積極影響。在發言的結尾,該講員強調,應以行動及主動來支持這項工作,從而回應戴氏的精神遺產業已帶給本土教會的祝福。本土教會很早以前就因戴德生而 蒙受祝福,如今是時候把祝福帶給他人了。



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