

HCM的合作与发展总监贺刚(Ken Haron)回忆了他如何受到戴氏在《中国属灵需要的呼声》(China’s Spiritual Needs and Claims)一书中列出的一张图表的影响:

Ken was deeply moved when he considered how the task of bringing the gospel to China was so impossible and overwhelming, yet Taylor did not shrink from this. Ken also pointed out that Taylor presented concrete, real data to show the extent of practical needs when encouraging people to share God’s love – “as should we today”!

As a non-Christian student in Australia, CEO Soo Loh was intrigued when she first learned of the person of Hudson Taylor. This eventually led to turning her life to Christ and desiring to serve God all her life. Taylor’s life also challenged Soo to consider why as an ethnic Chinese, she did not feel a love for her own people the way Taylor loved China and the Chinese.

从戴氏对神的回应中受到启发的还有HCM的财务总监 李淦贤(Wichai Tumtaweetikul)。令Wichai印象最为深刻的,是戴氏在危险面前所表现出的对神的顺服和忠心。尽管被告知他在中国内地不会受到大英当局的保护,戴氏却没有选择听从人,而选择听从神,就定意要把福音带进中国的纵深腹地。"戴氏的行动是激进的,就像耶稣一样。"

Board Chair Dr. Jennie Fung quotes Taylor: “I besought Him to give me some work for Him, as an outlet for love and gratitude; some self-denying service, no matter what it might be, however trying or however trivial.” When she first read this, Jennie was deeply moved by Taylor’s attitude. “This is a response of love and gratitude and it is God’s rightful authority to decide how best we serve Him.”

In a similar vein, Board member Scott Hurd was moved by Taylor’s conviction that through prayer alone God would provide all that was needed for His work to be done in His way. Scott remembers that Taylor’s trust in God’s provision impacted him and his wife Beth years ago when they were considering if God would have them serve in mission work overseas. Scott says, “We can today testify to that truth about prayer…God has generously provided for us in consistent, delightful, and unexpected ways!”


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