Hudson Taylor Movie Screenplay Approved for Funding

Half Crown Media is pleased to announce the approval of the screenplay for the Hudson Taylor movie project. The board of directors, together with partner advisors, believe now is the time to step out in faith and enter the funding phase of the Hudson Taylor movie project.

HCM (Half Crown Media) board chair Dr. Jennie Fung likens this milestone to a time when the Israelites, after decades of wandering in the wilderness, came to the Jordan River with no apparent way to cross. “It was the priests who needed to step into the water in Faith. Our team senses that this is the Kairos moment for us to step into the water, a time of maximum opportunity and responsibility. God has helped us to reach a meaningful and engaging script that tells the story of Hudson Taylor and the God he trusted and served.”

Movie screenplays often run between 80 to 120 pages, affecting the film’s length.

Funding of $7 million dollars USD will move the project from the development stage into actual production of the movie. An additional $7 million will be used to promote and distribute the movie throughout the Americas, Europe, East Asia and beyond. The movie is being funded through donations to OMF International, the non-profit ministry partner preceded by the China Inland Mission which was originally founded by Taylor, himself.

“No movie like this has been made about Hudson Taylor. We are grateful for the provision of skillful and talented individuals like producer consultant Aaron Burns and writer Matt Mikalatos who helped bring the project to the end point of the development stage,” says Half Crown Media President Ken Haron. “It is crucial to get the screenplay right for any movie, much less one with the historical foundation, geopolitical drama and inspiring true story of Hudson and Maria Taylor.” Burns recommended writing a series of “treatments” or mini-scripts and then HCM engaged Mikalatos to write the feature-length screenplay itself.

Following provision of the first $7 Million dollars ($6 Million for production and $1 Million towards

promotion), Half Crown Media will complete location scouting, hire the director, crew and actors to begin production. Shooting of the movie has the potential to take place in a country in East Asia or the United States. If production is funded by early 2022, the movie could release in the fall of 2023.

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