What a year! God has encouraged us in 2023 through dear folks like you. We have been blessed us through your prayers, generosity, and in many other tangible ways.
We received a carefully curated gift of a half-crown coin, similar to the one that Hudson Taylor gave to help a poor man, pointing us back to our namesake. It is also a powerful reminder of God’s faithfulness. As Hudson Taylor gave all he had in faith and obedience, God provided him with all that he needed and more.

As we looked to Him, He provided passionate, well-equipped people to join our board and our team. He opened opportunities for us to share our vision for the movie project. He grew our contacts and networking. We received almost a quarter of the production budget from all over the world.
Our hearts swell with gratitude and joy!
Looking ahead to this year, we celebrate the 170th anniversary of Hudson Taylor arriving in China as a young 21-year-old. Nobody believed in the medical school dropout. Yet God was delighted to use ordinary man like him to achieve His extraordinary purposes.
We continue to press forward with our prayer target to have the production funds by the end of 2024. We have currently received USD1.69 million, accounting for 23.7% of the production funds. We are trusting in the same faithfulness and provision that God has shown us over the years.
Our resolve echoes Hudson Taylor’s prayer: “I besought Him to give me some work for Him, as an outlet for love and gratitude; some self-denying service, no matter what it might be, however trying or however trivial”. As we continue to gather the resources to produce the movie, we remember our vision of creating an impact beyond the movie.
Board Chairman, Jennie Fung shared, “My prayer is that we could mobilize many 21-year-olds for God’s Kingdom. We want to share stories of God’s work in Hudson Taylor’s life and the resulting impacts.”
What are your resolutions for the year? May God’s faithfulness and promises strengthen your resolves for the year.
*Quotes from Hudson Taylor taken from A.J. Broomhall, Hudson Taylor and China’s Open Century, Book One: Barbarians at the Gates, 1981.