Our Ask

Many of you might have noticed that when we at Half Crown Media speak at vision sharing meetings about the Hudson Taylor Movie Project, we never pass the offering bag around for project donations afterwards. Why not, some of you might ask, when this project is entirely financed through donations?

As an organization inspired by Hudson Taylor and seeking to tell his story, we also subscribe to Taylor’s posture as regards financing. For Taylor, even before he left England to serve in China, he resolved that his “only claim will be on God… to move men, through God, by prayer alone”. This translated into a modus operandi of “no solicitation of finances” that defined the China Inland Mission (CIM) Taylor founded– from its starting days in 1865 up to today.

At Half Crown Media, we emulate this prayerful dependence and confidence in God for His faithful provision for the project. We commit to the non-solicitation of funds as a rule of thumb and do not directly ask for money.
We rest in the fact that God is more than capable to provide for all the diverse things He calls people to do in today’s world. God leads one to give to a particular Kingdom initiative, another to be concerned for a different ministry and people should give to God’s work as God moves them. No one work of God should be pitted against or compared to another and no one should give because they feel pressured by direct human appeals.
We do think the best fundraising policy is to move men to give, through God, in prayer. This does not mean passivity or irresponsibility regarding our real needs. This means that besides praying regularly as an organization, we initiate gatherings and seek out opportunities to share far and wide about the project. We directly ask for prayer when we talk about the project, inviting people to consider in prayer whether God may or may not be leading them to participate– for the first time or perhaps again– in this unique attempt to bless the next generations with a ‘moving picture’ of the story of the ordinary man Hudson Taylor and our Extraordinary God.

We are also upfront about our current needs. The Hudson Taylor movie screenplay has been completed and we are now raising USD$7 million by the end of next year to start movie production. (A detailed breakdown of this $7 million budget is here). Check out our latest progress toward this goal.

So as you reflect on God’s goodness, this is what we would like to ask of you. Please, would you give joyfully, without any compulsion, if and anywhere God leads you to do so? Here’s more about giving to Half Crown Media.

*Quotes about Hudson Taylor and CIM taken from Irene Chang et al (eds), Christ Alone. A Pictorial Presentation of Hudson Taylor’s Life and Legacy, OMF Hong Kong, 2005.

Photo by: Tony Eight Media on Unsplash

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