We invite you to pray with the Half Crown Media team on the following items;
- While we will not be meeting for online prayer in December, may God remind each of us to pray for His purpose through the movie project, for His glory.
- Advent reminds us of hope and certainty of God’s promises. Christmas is the reason for our movie project, that the world may know Jesus and enjoy Him forever!
- Thank God for growing coherence and teamwork of the team, spurring one another on through the long, sometimes slow, process. Grateful for the assurance that the project will be done, not by our own strength but His. He delights to use ordinary man for His extraordinary purpose.
- Praise God for funding progress— over USD$1.55 million received, accounting for 22.3% of the USD$7 million production budget.
- Wise and effective follow-up with recent contacts God has led us to meet.
- Communications review: pray for Rui Si as she plans and carries out a survey to gain understanding and direction for our communication focus.
- Wisdom for Director of Partnerships & Development, Ken Haron and Asia Director of Partnership & Development, Ben Chan as they connect with organizations and individuals to build relationships and explore possible partnerships.
- Communications Coordinator replacement: God’s confirmation for an experienced like-minded communicator with expertise in e-marketing.
- Stewardship: ongoing discernment on how to communicate our financial needs and facilitate giving for the project, both for the production and the current expenditure to promote and prepare for the production.