We invite you to pray with the Half Crown Media team on the following items;
- There has been an explosion of new interested connections during the past month in the US, HK, SG and the UK.
- Plans are in motion for mobilization events and individual meetings in the Bay Area, April 13-21 and in the LA area from April 27 – May 6.
- A renowned inspirational video producer volunteered his time to produce a short promotional video for the Chinese Church, featuring several leading Chinese Christian leaders.
- The executive team, with Ben and Paul joining in the past few months, is working well together with new energy and fresh ideas.
- Government incentives from the country where we may shoot the movie have increased our production funding to about 35% of what’s needed. That is often considered the tipping point for bigger donors and investors to join in more readily.
- Ask God to provide wisdom to discern the varied inputs we have received and for boldness to take necessary steps to advance the project.
- Seek God’s provision for high-impact volunteers in the critical areas of mobilization, financial and business structure, and administrative support.
- We need workable structures and channels to receive donations from different parts of the world. Pray for wisdom for our team and for patience for the donors waiting with us. May all that we do be God honoring!
- As we celebrate the 170th Anniversary of Hudson Taylor arriving in China on March 1, may we see many 21-year-olds boldly respond to God.
- Please pray for a mid-February meeting with coordinators of a faith-based investors group in the U.S. During one of their upcoming monthly meetings, we hope to share the Hudson Taylor movie project to inspire a new generation.