The Hudson Taylor movie project does not end with the production of a movie. Instead, we are prayerfully planning for a good movie that sparks a global movement.
We seek a movie that many would watch and post-movie, access a network of Church and Christian organizational contacts and resources that we will put together. This network would equip viewers to respond to Christ— turning to Him as their Lord and Savior or committing to lead lives fully yielded to God. In short, we hope the Hudson Taylor movie leads to— dare we say— a revival.

Of course spiritual revivals however much desired, are movements of the Spirit that can in no way be manufactured or reproduced by mere human intention or zeal. This does not mean we cannot pray for revival or anticipate one— since we know God desires people to return to Him more than people desire to seek Him. It is with this posture that we work on this project.
At the same time, we are very interested in the quality of the movie we will produce. We commit to creating content that positively portrays Christian characters, themes and story and is delivered with professionalism. Content that we hope would speak not only to diehard ‘Hudson Taylor fans’ out there but even to a global audience—whether sceptical, young or old, Christian or non believers.
We believe we have a quality screenplay that a wide audience can relate to. We also have a team of talented and experienced professionals for the project and will continue to secure film professionals that share our commitment for quality movie creation.
Currently, as we share the project vision and needs, we are conscious that the revival we seek is not just something of the future. Revival can happen today as we tell people about the movie project. This can happen now as we confess that corporately we fall short in our prayers for the project. We desire to grow in dependence on God and call on others to pray and wait upon Him with us. As Half Crown Media responds to God’s calling to go deeper in prayer and confession of sins, we pray that we may influence others to live out Psalm 5:3 daily in their lives, as we do in ours: “In the morning, LORD, You hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before You and wait expectantly.”
Will you join us today in laying our requests for the movie project and waiting expectantly on God for His response? Check out the latest ways you can join us in prayer.