HUDSON Taylor Movie Production Fund

God has provided the funds needed to produce the Hudson Taylor movie! Three supporters agreed to underwrite the final amount needed to reach the total.




Seeking Revival

The Hudson Taylor movie project does not end with the production of a movie. Instead, we are prayerfully planning for a good movie that sparks a global movement.

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Some History

In 1865, Hudson Taylor founded the China Inland Mission (CIM), praying for 24 ‘willing and skilful’ labourers to bring the gospel to inland China. By the next year, God had answered that prayer. (See ‘Did You Know?’) In 1875, Taylor prayed for another 18 and God again delivered. Then 70 between 1882-1884 and in 1886, a 100 more workers. Taylor’s CIM successor D.E. Hoste followed suit in moving the organization forward on prayer.

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Still Inspired

In the last few years, we encountered stories of people impacted by Hudson Taylor’s example, whose lives — and those of their families— were thus transformed. Here at Half Crown Media, we hope the cinematic retelling of Hudson Taylor’s life in our project would similarly inspire today’s youths and their next generations to lives of faith. One such story comes from Elizabeth Jones: “In 1894, my grandmother, Mercy Anna Wood (‘Anna’) was 24 when she moved from Iowa to Toronto to attend Bible college after hearing Hudson Taylor speak of China’s mission needs.

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